A New Beginning into Victory
A new chapter, a brand new start. It’s officially 2019. Many ask “What are your plans and goals for this year?” There’s many people around the world making their plans but only a few of those really accomplish their goals. You may ask yourself but why can’t I do it if others did it? Well it’s easy making goals but it takes a few factors to accomplish them. CONSTANCE Constance is one of those factors. It’s a necessity to have constancy in a goal. If you try once and you don’t see results keep at it until you get what you want. The constancy in a person determines the interest in reaching the goal. Keep your constancy! PATIENCE Patience is the main key to success. If you lose your patience you automatically lose your goal. Don’t expect your goals to be accomplished right away, more than a goal it’s a journey. A journey that doesn’t need to be rushed instead it needs to be enjoyed. FAITH Faith in yourself and what you’re capable of. Don’t lose your fait...